air force ppc codes list
If you are experiencing problems with the AMS application, please contact the A1 Service Desk. ev{lZ ~Fwa,>H`>2X@l%Y!%G(Blw/y3dJ+*g3TCCsW9zJU% /M7RR2@Xd }[email protected]*S+q#D4!Nv-*x+OcbAFwXlBpj? Privacy Policy. (T-0). ASSIGNMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Assignment Management System (AMS) is a CAC enabled platform which maintains a portfolio of programs ensuring the right Airman goes to the right job at the right time. and the vOP checklist/unit checklist along with any personnel processing codes (PPC) or retainability requirements (sent with Assignment Notification). Get familiar with Personnel Processing Code: RAO READ KOREA'S FOREIGN CLEARANCE GUIDE . . Stop Getting Your Ass Kicked in Fighting Games Today! 0 will remain the same, using the Common Access Card and travel orders. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2201 15 SEPTEMBER 2010 Personnel AIR FORCE TRAINING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering. Congratulations on your selection for the assignment of choice to the Republic of Korea. and our Common ranks/tiers across all services (SrA, Maj, BrigGen, SNCO, etc), Common office symbols (CC, CMSAF, A4, JA, etc), Common organizations at squadron and above (CPTS, AFGSC, DoD, FBI, STARCOM, CCMD, FW, CJTF, etc), Common weapons and platforms (F-16, AIM-9, HH-60, MILSTAR, etc), Common symbols and measurements (lbs, MPH, $25B, 5%, hrs, FY23, etc). Afpc ppc codes listing Personnel processing codes (ppc) afpc assignment Air force instruction 36-2110 5 Ecoexchange include credits The thought here is that if a page performs well in a PPC campaign, it will translate to performing well at the top of organic listings, though people clicking a site migration using Python, n0PC }xu7\ B o}/j>XXJSRw1{7]o/?p'SboCV7#">. . DEPART WITHOUT PPC COMPLIANCE. designated as a JQO on the Active Duty List or Reserve Active Status List. Edit: this goes without saying but . This code ensures the IDMT reports to the HMTF for training/certification prior to their report no later than date (RNLTD) to a remote site. DAF establishes policies to increase access to non-covered reproductive health care. IMMUNIZATIONS RECORD (JEVx2, MMRx2, Typhoid, Anthrax, and Smallpox) TRAININGCERTS: a. Ensure you hand carry important documents like your COVID PCR test results, PCS documents, orders and SIP passports with you. For the Preparatory School, cadet candidates can call 719-466-0453. <> Would you like to apply to bring dependents with you to the Republic of Korea? hb````` 2) Documents required for orders- The following documents are required to receive your PCS orders. iYxt%YN8(Xj?a@>.QW8gzCn%NpEJ{-=r PPg`:Tk_A?yAt'6_. Making an Informed Decision on Non-Command Sponsorship of Dependents. *Website requires a Common Access Card (CAC).*. Privacy Policy. Copyright 1997-2021 Cheat Code Central. 91Commander, U.S. Forces-Iraq (see note 17) 92Director, White House Military Office 93Generals of the Army, Fleet Admirals, Generals of the Air Force (5-Star Rank) 94Lieutenant Governors (when in own State) 95Permanent Representatives of foreign governments to the United Nations 96Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) The SPECAT Guide is applicable to RegAF only. %PDF-1.6 % I know for a fact they're on you orders, but I doubt you have orders rn. Assignments are provided to the Continental United States as well as overseas and are provided equitably among the commands. Do not put them in checked bags. YL \ll lqYNe`4ohVi@1fX~ & 405-736-2112 DSN: 336-2112 Accordion Menu TO 00-5-1 TO 00-5-3 TO 00-5-18 TO 00-5-19 TO 00-20-1 TO 00-20-2 TO 00-20-3 TO 00-20-9 TO 00-25-4 TO 00-25-107 TO 00-25-113 TO 00-25-195 TO 00-5-16 Accordion Menu TO 00-35A-39 TO 00-35D-54 TO 00-80G-1 TO 00-85A-03-1 TO 00-85A-05-2 TO 00-85B-3 TO 1-1-300 TO 1-1A-1 TO 1-1B-50 TO 33B-1-1 TO 33-1-37-1 1132 0 obj <> endobj You can pull from myPers for the most current copy. Top Black Friday Deals: Pandemic Edition! hbbd``b\$om@H3 |@PK=Yt00#X~T2J3qh(1{ USTRANSCOM PP Advisory 23-0060 (Special Solicitation Traffic Distribution List for the 2023 Rate Cycle) 06 Apr 23.pdf. % 343 0 obj <> endobj Kevan Thomas, a B-52H Stratofortress pilot and Lt. Col. Michael Devita, an Instructor pilot assigned to the 96th Bomb Squadron, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, prepare for a flight out of Morn Air Base, Spain, in support of Bomber Task Force Europe. THEATER SPECIFIC TRAINING (via USK) b. SABC - CBT (via ADLS) AFPC is the assignment authority for all assignments. It's showing as 60 comm sq but the PPC code requirements are for the 621 CRW. Get Offer Offer The accountable station code will be a field of the accounting classification code when it is issued. It's literally just a check box so that they have record that you understand your PPC requirements. %PDF-1.5 % For more information, click here. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> All federal employees are mandated to get the COVID vaccine. %%EOF 303090 21 Army and Air Force ATTN: ES-M Exchange Service 3911 Walton Walker Blvd Dallas, TX 75222 303560 21 33rd Finance Support Unit ATTN: AFZS-DRM-F Fort Drum, NY 13602-5085 Based on your choices and your relative priority among those in the same grade and AFSC, names are matched to the bases. DEPART WITHOUT COVID TEST DEPART WITHOUT A SPONSOR . Please email 7 AF/A1 Workflow regrading specific CSP policy information [email protected]. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following MAJCOMs organizes, trains, and equips forces for joint or combined operations in the roles of aerospace control, force application, force enhancement, and force support?, The personnel program's implementation process establishes a disciplined, deliberate process to implement Air Force personnel programs . See DA Pamphlet 738-751 for detailed. endobj hbbd```b``+d9dy"`O0-ad%B?.d"+D y.L`Ig`\ 6N The assignments flow to your local military personnel office then to your commander for official notification. See Paragraph 3.4.2 for the complete list of affected tables. 146.41kb. Air Force. 184 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8DACEC69A0C7D348A4DC6FBB80328EEB><812037B7099ED34A89636AFEDFCA968A>]/Index[166 37]/Info 165 0 R/Length 94/Prev 96529/Root 167 0 R/Size 203/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream PPCs are 3 letter codes that require you to accomplish additional actions prior to orders being issued and/or out processing. 1.3.9. You may also refertothe Embassy of the ROK in the USA website for more information. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. !S1d\EK(TW#| 43L5R$tXvA,#^=,j9hbz]1$ 4rz-F4e It explains how certifying officials screen, select, and monitor people who work with . For more information, please see our USTRANSCOM PP Advisory 23-0056 GHC Contract Oversight Role Training Requirements - 3 Apr 2023.pdf. EFMP is a Department of Defense program offered by all branches of the military., Rescission of Command Policy Letter - KRO, Making an Informed Choice on Non-Command Sponsorship of Dependents, U.S. Embassy ROK- Information on Controlled Substances, MEMORANDUM for Incoming Seventh Air Force Personnel, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Requirements are advertised through the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments List (EQUAL). stream Waivers have to go up for approval. 3 REQUESTED CHANGE 3.1 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF CH ANGE USAF requires the addition of a new Source of Supply (SoS) with Routing Identifier Code (RIC) F26 and US Air Force Materiel Management Aggregation Code (MMA C) CO for a new contractor supporting the AN/FPS-108 COBRA DANE weapon system. The letter from the UDM helps but waiver authority is typically at the MAJCOM level and your MPF Is the one that coordinates that for you. The K-ETA is an electronic travel authorization that visa-free eligible foreign visitors need to obtain before entering Korea, by submitting an application with relevant information online. This form can be obtained from MPF Customer Service. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - *Website requires a Common Access Card (CAC) and APACS account. Cookie Notice What is a K-ETA? %PDF-1.5 0 1) Visit Air Force Portal for official access. Personnel Processing Codes (PPCs) (if applicable) located on Page 2 of your assignment RIP (obtained from your CSS). SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE . Joint Assignment Policy. You must apply for the K-ETA at least 24 hours prior to boarding a flight or ship bound for Korea. 166 0 obj <> endobj "B@||(F?|*N2I-:iHAvZrP AJ ?T,``+e= u{W_)ue_LKi)zb:G#}0?|_L%8Df*ZO o(bP` There is a 10,000 KRW (approximately $9-$10 USD) non-refundable fee that must be paid, even if the application is denied. Starting May 23, 2022, all travelers to Korea must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result. 3.1. Afpc ppc codes listing Personnel processing codes (ppc) afpc assignment Air force instruction 36-2110 5 Ecoexchange include credits The thought here is that if a page performs well in a PPC campaign, it will translate to performing well at the top of organic listings, though people clicking a site migration using Python, . See your base medical treatment facility or nearby civilian clinic to get the free vaccination. %PDF-1.5 hryF.+)VZ%h_VnS5)N)y.9udpO!QYXx:Qi1k/3nd{q~]twQOA;;IanE 7Ze+fvq8-0[8hJ^i Coordinates with MAJCOM/A1 and Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) assignment division to ensure PCS processing code (PPC) 9XJ is on the assignment fill action request. 7th Air Force. They are 3 letter codes that require you to accomplish additional actions prior to orders being issued and/or out processing. Policy Updates. Advisories. Your PPC codes are (I think) in your initial assignment email. In accordance with AFI 36-2110, a personnel processing code is a code included in assignment instructions which refer to PCS-related processing requirements or post-selection assignment actions. ,X.Xh8uqxqh!7:Y3NlRzwld;oH1( |mSor Welcome to the Active Duty Assignment home page. endstream endobj 344 0 obj <. endobj endstream endobj startxref PERSONNEL PROCESSING CODE (PPC): Readover everything in PPC RAO as more requirements can exist due to AFSC/Rank/DESTINATION. Officers must meet prerequisites and have been designated a JQO before appointment to brigadier general (RegAF only), unless waived. 15. Common weapons and platforms (F-16, AIM-9, HH-60, MILSTAR, etc) Common symbols and measurements (lbs, MPH, $25B, 5%, hrs, FY23, etc) INDIVIDUALLY APPROVED ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS NEWCOMERS. Personnel . There are twobasic principles: Performance Statements are the Air Force narrative-style of writing and consists of plain language words to communicate performance and achieve greater clarity to the broadest audience. 3 0 obj You may volunteer and update your preferences through the virtual Military Personnel Flight application, or contact your local military personnel office. DD Form 1172, DEERS verification form is required to receive your PCS orders and must be turned in if you have dependents. 14. Results must be in English or Korean and include name, date of birth (or passport number), test method, test date, NEGATIVE result, date of issuance, and name of testing center. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defense. Establishing good communication with your sponsor will be key in ensuring you are kept informed of the latest HPCON condition and restrictions. Visit your instillation's newcomer's page. endobj Also to answer the PPC question, I believe it is in myPers. Below are some helpful ways to stay informed and make your transition easier and smoother. to 00-20-2 technical manual maintenance data documentation (atos) this publication supersedes to 00-20-2, dated 1 november 2012. for questions concerning technical content of this technical manual, contact the applicable technical hbbd```b``Z"@~ LJ f7] = 6GDrE`H vH_h)Hh QC It is a mandatory enrollment program for all active duty Airmen and Guardians with a special needs family member. Thank you, I have the PPC code but my assignment in vmpf doesn't match what the unit requiring the PPC code. 10 Scary "S#%t Your Stocking" Game Characters! stream The . 2 0 obj Performance Statements avoid using acronyms and abbreviations. For issues and questions concerning assignments, please use the button below. It does not provide a unit or organization special hiring authority. % This page will provide enlisted personnel critical information about various assignment programs, career fields, special duty assignments, and links to other resources related to enlisted assignments. Is the Oculus on a Quest to Make VR a Success? endstream endobj 167 0 obj <. endstream endobj startxref Policies and memos can be found on a separate box on thispage and our home page. 3 0 obj By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Just write up an MFR with your units letter head stating "I am willing to take a non-lifestyle polygraph upon arrival to my unit" and give it to outbound assignments. Only a listing is provided. Career Development will work the assignment requirements (e-mails to gaining unit, authority-to-proceed requests, etc). Congratulations on your selection for the assignment of choice to the Republic of Korea. Personnel TOTAL FORCE ASSIGNMENTS . Starting September 1, 2021, all DoD Civilians, Contractors and Family Members, traveling to the Republic of Korea must have a valid visa or an approved Korea - Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA) prior to entering the country, unless already in possession of a valid Korean visa. You can apply at: Moving, especially overseas, can be overwhelming. How to Improve Our Industry (With No Comment Section Wars), Why the XSX Looks the Same (and That's OK), The Positive Side of Streaming (You Might Have Missed). 123.70kb. See the links below for information on the Air ForceCommand Sponsorship Program (CSP) in Korea. The guidance I was given says to sign a statement of agreement that says I'm willing to subject to a non lifestyle polygraph upon arrival at gaining unit. Follow your airlines guidance and consult with the nearest Korean consulate if you have questions. endstream endobj startxref Moving, especially overseas, can be overwhelming. Top 10 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels. You need to coordinate with your MPF and read the PPC guide on myPERS. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review, Fortnite Returns to iOS, Dragon Age Director's New Studio, New Map/Ships Coming to Squadrons, Crazy Spider-Man Glitch, Microsoft's Bethesda Plans, Snyder Preferred 2-Part Justice League, Twitch Apologizes for DMCA, Mortal Kombat Film Delayed, Spider-Man Saves Will Transfer on PS5, Remote Play on PS4, Sega Sells Arcade Business, Celebrity Coming to Assassins Creed. I was wondering if I can just type up my own document or if there's a specific document/template I need to use? J:zJXdD,(N^QYJh: *U[H+-^/PDF9=/ N|Wb}=D1nqj?V9df1)h-(yp?Xv_>AL0ah a7" Amc~0wMkP^)QAI74U3PLwa.M3ku,Rce }aPZP/ ,x(.uXzH\3 %%EOF The appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defense. K-ETA application by proxy is available, meaning one person can apply for up to 30 people and make the total payment at once. o;((qt1d{XIxWkYK:RQhE1aB9oF^nzj;d COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at The final determination of entry will be made by the immigration official during the immigration process. A.SVdT^UDz5=ci3@J;X#co^x`vKt'Rw&AD:d6k7RBz@mxF1P>sbT4F3n. <> 3 MAY 2022 . MFLCs are on call from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. USTRANSCOM PP Advisory 23-0052A (Update 1 DPS Scheduled Outage to Build the 2023 TDL) 5 Apr 23.pdf. <>>> These codes will be used to record maintenance actions performed on aircraft when correcting faults on the DA Form 2408-13-1. Guidance for writing Performance Statements is deliberately not overly prescriptive to enable flexibility and freedom when capturing performance. endobj For ETIMS information: From AF Portal home page (AF Indexes), select ETIMS from the 'Applications A-Z Listing'. Travelers must show aSUPERVISED Rapid Antigen test result fromwithin 24hours of departure or a PCR test result from within48 hours. If applicable, the PPC guide/description will be included in your initial assignment e-mail. Graduates from basic military training are provided assignments on a weekly basis, as are most graduates from Technical Training. 2) AF Portal username must be added to the list of AF Portal usernames approved to view eTOs (TO number ends '-WA-1') on subscription for a TODO TO library in ETIMS. 0 377 0 obj <>stream If you have questions concerning your AMS account, please send an email to [email protected]. Assignment counselors won't help. 1144 0 obj <>/Encrypt 1133 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2FB4E431852E134A9704FDDB57D9DF0A>]/Index[1132 331]/Info 1131 0 R/Length 93/Prev 585002/Root 1134 0 R/Size 1463/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream %PDF-1.6 % Have you been selected for an unaccompanied assignment to Korea, butwant to bring your family? xYoffk%;q7>VXl [B"r~DE]w3fr8.G''7z==@(%BF xo]j>_Gw>_~zr$S ) k,wWHl{ B 1 0 obj So I'm trying to figure out what exactly I need to do for my PPC Code. 5.X0xi\ -fEV&u`w`0&y(4-:MO4YJ(Bbk3E#vGNd"LYvdL{.ad') Q&C< v=|A=thAaV2=1VtN0KHoq(M +xVpUr%*DSP(DCIuAqv[a,uMBbB>0 3%ve s>IZHtS$*{1$rW98 xnH|%}-BJ0UlKduUuU0S< xdywt}ptuzyEkO{G^x=Eyfm0py$8a{7wgA~:2k4&PSu$pp(+X2Ub}Bwwsw w%Wn;:n7HPNp`Gzr6z$C4Q*Qmu}03Q>ZA/ooXTb)\ yBw|'>$} bf{E0FbbPh^"bvImYP||!7_^_^LSsFGP}"Nw$#^l$H $x7W13ia5i ^>yCCH'M|6' &0 x%Ju=ZHum[$YZ!,nl3d qz~pyBgJ,! An official website of the United States government, PRINCIPLES FOR THE AIR FORCE ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST, Categories of Approved Acronyms and Abbreviations, INDIVIDUALLY APPROVED ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, Nominate an Acronym or Abbreviation for Consideration, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Just google "AF PPC list" and and it should pop up. For assignments to Korea the PPC is RAO. Individual preferences are considered to the fullest extent possible. <> By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 365 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[343 35]/Info 342 0 R/Length 104/Prev 249260/Root 344 0 R/Size 378/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 1.3. 1.2.5. If applicable, the PPC guide/description will be included in your initial assignment notification e-mail. endobj qualifications and requirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD). Due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, HPCON conditions are constantly changing. Inclusion on this list is associated with broad understanding; not frequency of use or functional significance. That's what the guidance says on mypers PPC code page. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review, Top 10 Weird Ass Games (That Somehow Work), 5 Reasons PS5 Will Win (And 5 Reasons It Won't). That's the confliction that's confusing me and assignment counselors are giving me the run around or the idk answer. Scan this QR code to download the app now. <> Requirements are advertised through the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments List (EQUAL). Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), Air Reserve Personnel Cookie Notice DoD announces six new measures to enhance well-being of military force and their families. 2 0 obj All non-uniformed personnel, traveling on official government orders andinbound to the Republic of Korea, are required to travel with a Special Issuance Passport (SIP). U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Kamin Gilson, a Weapons System Officer, Capt. Career Development processes PCS orders approximately 60 days Why the Switch is the PERFECT Second Console! The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers for Xbox 360. I've already talked to my security manager and they didn't know, so I was wondering if anyone who had been through this process before could shine a little light on this. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The entry requirements for Service Members on official travel (PCS, TDY, etc.) Title 10 United States Code (USC) Sections 9277, Medal of Honor; Air Force Cross; Distinguished-Service Cross; Distinguished-Service Medal; Silver Star: Replacement, . ALS CERT (only ifSRA) 16. PULHES determinations are descriptions of transient or permanent limitations to functioning which are used for establishing suitability for career fields or Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). 4 0 obj These documents can range in information from the use of alcohol tocommand sponsorship programs. The Air Force Personnel Center EFMP Central Cell is comprised of three primary components along with a multi-faceted network of ancillary services. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2110 15 NOVEMBER 2021 Incorporating Change 1, 16 November 2022 Certified Current 16 November 2022. })2c}5m{{m^4M`\WKsC}eX 2,z95]HUQ-$j0kI#sCxs$T9sShHMh8N;96KoPW,"">yjU"U7r2 bEecZqe ..1[(wwA h;. Air Force releases 102nd Uniform Board results for Airmen, Guardians. It not going to say "if you're going to ramstein, then your PPC is XXX". According to AFI 16-606, the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide describes the information required and procedures used by DoD units and personnel to obtain permission to enter or overfly foreign territories. The Assignment Management System (AMS) is a CAC enabled platform which maintains a portfolio of programs ensuring the right Airman goes to the right job at the right time. All rights reserved. "3PAz57z f;? bLM>kskx$!i>f*)i-a)$Kb6kOiyxhk7;%=MUrPwE`grm9^5>v Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Do you like video games more now or sometime in the past? - Personnel Processing Codes (if applicable). 4 0 obj Camp Humphreys, Osan Air Base, etc.]. This Air Force instruction (AFI) implements Air Force Policy Directive 36-21, Utilization and Classification of Air Force Military Personnel, and Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5210.42, Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), May 25, 1993. 1462 0 obj <>stream Additionally, all counselors receive ongoing training on military matters and military life. If you desire to obtain a visa in lieu of the K-ETA prior to arrival, please contact the nearest Republic of Korea Consulate or Embassy for more information:, Please consult the United States Forces Korea COVID-19 website for information on the pandemic and related entry requirements, including the need to show results from a negative PCR test issued within 72 hours of departure and a mandatory 14-day quarantine or restriction of movement based upon vaccination status: G"KBuwdB[o]5v, EcrK2*M y?#Wacy?1~41c)_Pe! <>>> An official website of the United States government, Get familiar with Personnel Processing Code: RAO. Information on theCommand Sponsorship Program can be found on a separate box on thispage and our home page. hb```5l+@(1A$eE9O(-:S8-Nhw1z@Gz#Aw5Nsw(I=a FG3p40Ht0B8L@ The Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs Office; 550 C Street West; Joint Base San Antonio - Randolph AFB, TX 78150; DSN 665-2334 or 210-565-2334; email: [email protected] (Current as of June 2017)
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